Bobby And Amy Describe Their Perfect Days

Bobby and Amy Perfect Day

Thousands of people were polled asking them what their perfect day would look like. The top answers included sleep, not working, the outdoors, and music. The top six main things people wanted for their perfect day:

  1. Having good music to listen to
  2. Being somewhere you can feel the sun on your face
  3. Sitting down for at least one really amazing meal
  4. Not working
  5. Getting plenty of laughter throughout the day
  6. Waking up after a good night's sleep.

This conversation led to Bobby Bones and Amy sharing with The Bobby Bones Show what their perfect *fantasy* days would look like.

Bobby's perfect day: Wakes up at 11 a.m., takes his dog outside and Stanley immediately goes to the bathroom. The Razorbacks are playing a noon game against LSU or Alabama and they win. Coach Morris and Bobby walk off and celebrate. Then Bobby works out on his Peloton and sets a new personal record. He eats an early healthy lunch that includes chicken and rice. Then the Chicago Cubs are playing a night game where they're honoring the 1989 team and they've asked Bones to come down and be part of it. The Cubs win the game. Bobby heads off to a nice dinner with his hot girlfriend. He then receives a text from John Mayer who says he's playing a secret show to just Bobby and his hot girlfriend. Bobby and his girlfriend make sweet love to 11:59 p.m. Then he jokes, he turns back into a pumpkin.

Amy's perfect day: She isn't woken up by her kids, but instead wakes up on her own. She rolls out the door, doesn't have to worry about anything and goes to yoga. Amy comes back to see her kids made her waffles. After breakfast, her family heads to the lake and goes out on George Strait's boat with George Strait himself and they listen to awesome music. Afterwards, her husband books her a massage. After the massage, Amy comes back to find the movie room all setup with pillow pallets and she has a great movie night with her family where she gets to pick the movie.

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