A woman named Thea Lauryn shared on her Twitter some not so very nice messages from a man on her Tinder account. He told her "the dress in the last photo is not doing any favors, hope this helps" along with other mean comments. Thea posted not only the full conversation but the photo that the man is referencing. To be honest, the first thing I thought when I saw that photo is "that dress is gorgeous and looks awesome on her!!" It kind of made me want to BUY the dress!
Well the company who makes it had the same thought! With Thea's permission, they are now using her photo to sell the dress on their website! It is featured here.
Below is the original tweet from Thea as well as the tweet from ASOS featuring her image!
The tweets from people following along with the story LOVE that the brand actually used her photo and Thea herself said "I am still very in a state of shock this is all happening, purely from someone just being horrible to me. I can't believe something so negative has turned into something so positive."